Little skittish guy. He'll barely leave the nursery, unless with a sibling. Very much does not enjoy playing as much as other little kitties.
Hates going out of camp, will feel like something is gonna jump out at him at any second, but he knows he has to. Will start going by she/her during late apprenticeship.
May have him do something brave, which will earn her, at this point, the suffix 'tiger'.
Despite having done something brave, Ghosttiger will remain paranoid. This will also be due to some purrks I may get her, but paranoia is a trait that she'll seem to be unable to leave behind.
Probably will get bewitched, realistic hallucinations, that helps cause the paranoia. Another thing is Agatha kitty, because as paranoid as Ghost is, it's easy to notice things. The last one will either be chill of death or dreamwalker.
1. Around late apprenticeship(after becoming mtf), there could be an event that causes the realistic hallucinations, something traumatic. This would increase Ghost's paranoia to the max, and the hallucinations would mostly be about said event. May get a scar or two from said event as well.
2. Ghost could get a mentor that also sometimes makes the paranoia worse, whether on purpose or even on accident. Ghost'll probably hardly catch a break. But also, if not(just) increasing paranoia, the mentor can be someone who can also help Ghost through transitioning.
3. The event that earns Ghost the warrior suffix 'tiger' will probably include her rescuing a clanmate somehow.